Brenda Starr

Year of release : 1989


Run time : 1h34min


Genre : Family / Adventure / Action


Cast : Timothy Dalton , Brooke Shields



The movie is based on the comic strip 'Brenda Starr,reporter' created by Dale Messick in 1940.


Mike is the artist who draws the comic book depicting the adventures of New York Flash reporter Brenda Starr. Brenda hears him complaining about her all the time,and she comes to life to tell him she's had enough,and leaves the comic book world.


Brenda is the best at her job,because she gets herself into dangerous situations,for example,when a shooting takes place,she finds a way inside the place the shooters are,to get their side of the story!


She has a nemesis, Libby Lips Lipscomb ,who's always in competition with her,but always loses.


Mike decides to enter the comic book world to apologize to Brenda. He draws himself in,but he's always one step behind her,as she's on another case concerning rocket fuel.


Brenda gets the attention of Basil St.John,a one eyed man dressed in black, who is asking for her help.

Brenda is followed on her Amazon adventure by her nemesis, and by the Russian spies.


The movie was much better than I expected,and I enjoyed the world created.


The creators seemed to have forgotten they already created a manly woman character,so they made another one,with the cigar in her mouth all the time(I'm not exaggerating),the head of the Russian team.


I liked the drawings,and how they made the crossing from scene to scene with a comic book drawing.


I liked the women's outfits, I think I pretty much loved all of Brenda's outfits and hairstyles,especially the tulle dress she wore at the party.


I didn't like the jazzy soundtrack.


The acting was fine,I liked her nemesis,whom I found funny.


You can watch the full movie for free here :


Rating : Could have been a contender !