Bridget Jones' s Diary

Year of release : 2001


Run time : 1h33min


Genre : Romance / Comedy


Cast : Renee Zellweger, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant



The movie is based on the 1999 book of the same name by Helen Fielding,who wrote the Bridget Jones book series.


The movie opens with Bridget going to her parents' house for Christmas, and meeting Mark D'Arcy,in whose paddling pool she used to play naked when she was 4.

Their mothers try to set them up,but Mark is not having it. Unluckily for Bridget she hears him talk trash about her,probably due to the fact she told him how much she smokes but mostly drinks.


She makes New Years resolutions involving quitting smoking,drinking and fantasizing about her boss, Daniel Cleaver, who is a charmer and womanizer.


The last one doesn't go as planned,as her boss is asking her out. And she accepts. And they start dating.


Things go well until they have to go to one of her mother's parties, and he backs out at the last moment. Going to see him,she finds him with another woman. When seeing him at the office, Daniel tells her he is engaged to that other woman,who is younger and American,brushing Bridget off,with no regard to her feelings.

So,after crying her eyes out,she decides to find another job,away from him.


All this time, Bridget sees Mark at all the gatherings she goes to,with his girlfriend,who works with him. Daniel and Mark seem to hate each other,and when asked about it,Daniel says Mark used to be his best friend,but has proven himself disloyal.


She gets another job,at a tv network,and when he hears she's leaving,Daniel wants her back,telling her if he can't have a relationship with her,he can't have it with anyone.

Bridget is caught between her old flame and the new one,Mark,as he seems to be interested in her,for some reason.


The movie was funny and entertaining. It also has one of the funniest and most ridiculous,and worst fighting scenes of all times! I laughed with tears.

Watching it now, I can't believe I used to think Rene was fat in this movie,as she looks normal,beautiful and adorable.


The actors were all great.


The soundtrack was good.


The movie is available on Amazon Prime Video, AppleTv, Google Play Movies, Hulu, Paramount+, RedBox, Sling Tv, The Roku Channel, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : It's so money!