California suite

Year of release : 1978


Run time : 1h43min


Genre : Drama


Cast : Jane Fonda, Michael Caine, Alan Alda, Walter Matthau, Bill Cosby, Maggie Smith



The movie is based on the 1976 play of the same name by Neil Simon.


The movie follows a couple who divorced nine years prior, and now the daughter wants to stay with her father. The mother doesn't want to let her go.


Two couples who vacation together,who's car breaks down on the way there, and then one of them don't have a room booked. I must say the way the one who booked the room only for himself and his missus, was acting,was so annoying the whole movie from then on!


A middle age man who comes to see his brother (also middle aged) who is a womanizer, and who has the reputation of always getting the men of the family in trouble with their women,because he hires ho0kers for them..


An actress who flies from England to L.A. with her husband for the Oscars. This was so unrealistic, it was just the two of them, no entourage, nobody to do her make-up,hair, publicist, no manager.. the same thing went on the red carpet...just the two of them, no publicist to lead her to the reporters.. once they got there, miraculously the reporter was waiting for them on one of those high things they set up!


The movie started Ok, but slowly but surely started to lose me, as the action mostly happens in the hotel,hence the name, and centers around the same problems, like for example, the characters talk or fight about the same things over and over again! It was exhausting!

It's supposed to be a comedy but I didn't find it funny, I only laughed a few times because of something they said.

It wasn't romantic either,as it's labeled on Google.

The situations they were in ( like the couple without a room booked who had to sleep in a small room with water on the floor and the boiler in their ears; and the middle aged man set up by his brother with a ho0ker,trying to hide her from his wife ) were not funny,nor romantic, but horror, and stressful!


I didn't like how the movie was edited, in the first half an hour, it felt off. It was cut and spliced abruptly, like it missed some scenes.


All the actors were good, my favorite was Jane Fonda,I thought she was the best.


Maggie Smith won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for the role she plays in this movie, ironically, a British actress nominated for an Oscar who didn't win!


I hated the soundtrack.


You can watch the full movie here,for free :


Rating : Could have been a contender !