Captain Marvel

Year of release : 2019


Run time : 2h4min


Genre : Action


Cast : Brie Larson, Samuel L.Jackson, Jude Law



Viers,a member of the Kree star force,has no memory of past events. She has dreams she can't understand,and incredible power. In her dreams and flashes,she sees this woman she can't recognize,a woman who is important to her,as she appears to her as the Supreme Intelligence,the supreme being of the Kree.


The star force go to a planet on a mission,and get ambushed by Skrulls. Viers is kidnapped,as the Skrulls are shapeshifters. The Skrulls have technology with which they can go into someone's mind,and see their memories -by the way, I loved this scene,is one of my favorites. Viers manages to wake up,and break free,making a run for it,crash landing on earth.


Trying to get back to her peers, Viers meets agents Coulson and Fury of Shield,who want to take her in. Just then,a Skrull attacks. Viers goes in pursuit.


Following her,Fury ends up teaming up with her,helping her.


I was afraid to watch this movie due to the bad reviews,but I actually liked it. I never got bored,didn't feel the passing of time.

I loved the dream sequences,the memories ( the first scene of the movie,and the Stan Lee intro,and the scene I already mentioned ). The movie was action packed beginning to end,and I honestly enjoyed every moment. It was a feel good movie and gave me that summer movie vibe,the kind Bad Boys movies did.


What I didn't like was how Fury was weakened and dumbed down,the fact he was obsessed with this ridiculous cat,and how he lost his eye,to this said cat ( which if it were me,I would have put it down,but he was fine with it,still besties with the creature) -it was stupid! It felt the writers didn't know what to put in there and came up with some ridiculous idea,instead of writing him lose his eye in an epic fight with the Kree . Also, I didn't like how on the ship,when they are fighting the aliens,he,a Shield agent, is holding the cat,while the woman who is a retired pilot,holds the gun! He never fights anyone on that ship,he just runs scared !

Also,Shield never saw aliens up until that point?!


The visual effects were good, the soundtrack was good,with the exception I felt the songs ( all of the '90's,due to the fact the movie is set in 1995,didn't match the movie,especially Just a girl by No Doubt put in a fight scene ,and Hole's Celebrity Skin,a 1998 song,by the way,played at the end,who is about fame whores ).

Also,certain lines said by certain characters, like the "don't call me little lady" Maria Rambou spat out in a rage..because the Skrull called her that..she annoyed me,and I couldn't stand her after!


Brie Larson felt a bit flat at times,but mostly she was fine. Jude Law was great.


I understand why the fans of the comics are upset, as a reader, I saw many of the books I read ( True Blood ( the series of books are called The Vampires of the South), Vampire Diaries, The Secret Circle, Beastly, Beautiful Creatures ( the book is called the 16th moon),The Mortal Instruments),some of them my favorite,like Queen of the Damned,by Anne Rice,turned into movies,and they had nothing of their former self ,the books and the movies could have been two different things,as the creators barely kept the name of certain characters, nevermind the look and their history.


The movie is streaming on Disney +,and is for rent or buy on Amazon Prime Video, AMC on Demand, Apple iTunes, DIRECTV, Google Play Movies, Microsoft Store, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !