
Year of release : 2019


Run time : 1h36min


Genre : Drama



The movie was adapted and directed by Emily Harris,after the Carmilla book by Joseph Le Fanu,and is a slow burn drama about this 15 year old girl who grows up without any friends and whose governess ties her hand behind her back because she doesn't like how she uses it!


The movie has nothing to do with the book,if that's what you want to watch,you're not gonna see it!It's inspired by it,certain scenes,like how Carmilla came into this family's life,but that's it! Carmilla's name is being given by the lead,is not a name Carmilla speaks.


The movie also insults our eyes with these ugly,disgusting scenes with insects,worms and maggots for no apparent reason.


I noticed that they say on google that the movie is a romance and horror,it's not,it's a drama at best!


So,Carmilla is brought to this household,the lead is happy to see the girl,and they start a friendship which turns sexual,and I think that was the goal,that's the goal with all the Hollywood propaganda movies. And what better book to pick to turn into such a movie than Carmilla,about an energetic vampire who feeds off girls' energy.


The father is absent unlike in the book,I guess due to the white man patriarchy thing. White man bad! Maybe I'm reading too much into it,but that's what goes through my head when I see they change a book into a movie that much into that direction,to the point is a completely different story .They have to tokenize everything,they just can't leave the story as it is ( look up how the next Little Mermaid is gonna look like,and Snow White! ) .


Don't waste your time watching it,read the book instead,the book is great!


I have no problem with the actors,they were all fine,I have a problem with the story which was awful!


Quoting one of my favorite YouTube movie critics,Jeremy Jahns 'this movie is dogsh!t!'


The movie is streaming on Amazon Prime Video.