
Year of release : 2016


Run time : 1h38min


Genre : Sci Fi / Horror / Mystery / Adventure


Cast : John Cusack, Samuel L.Jackson, Isabelle Fuhrman



The movie is based on the 2006 Stephen King novel of the same name.


Clayton,played by Cusack, is an artist ( graphic novel)who just got signed and on the airport,is calling his estranged wife and son,wanting to see them. Just then,as his phone dies, people start acting weird, as if they have a sort of common seizure.

Clayton realizes the cell phone signal makes people lose their minds,k!lling the ones who aren't like them,and even eating them,and their animals!


All of a sudden mayhem ensues, as people turned to zombies are at each other's throats, trying to k!ll the ones around them,including Clayton. Planes are exploding,and he runs towards the subway.


There, he finds a man who wants to walk out with him,away from the crowds.


While at his apartment,Clayton finds other survivors,and with them,is trying to get back home,to his family,hoping they are still normal,if alive.


The more time goes by,the smarter these zombies( because this is what they are in the beginning) become. They travel in packs ,their behavior seems to be that of birds or bees, at night they all gather around,sleeping together,with their phones singing weird songs to them,songs which also come out of their mouths.

In this state,one could k!ll them,they won't feel/see/hear a thing. To the point in the end they don't need a cell phone to infect others,they do it by just making this weird noise the phones used to do, close to their ear. They seem to have a hive mind,which sees everything,as they are connected through the antennas all around the world.


John Cusack plays pretty much the same character he plays in 1408, another movie based on a King book, starring Samuel L.Jackson. And what happens at the end of that one, happens at the end of this one.


I personally liked the movie,but I was expecting a resolve, I was expecting to hear why was this happening,who was behind it..at first I thought it was the AI, but this "the man we all see in our dreams" is getting old ( The same thing happens in The Stand,another movie based on a King book) .

The movie doesn't have a good ending and it leaves you hollow,as the ending is unsatisfying. It doesn't explain why this happened, why people first acted psychotic, k!lling and eating everyone,bumping their heads into walls, why were they hypnotized by the cell signal,and why could they make the same sounds cells did,becoming transmitters themselves, able to brainwash others . Why was it Clayton's character from his comic book series,the one everyone saw.


At least we see why they don't react while in this state!


Rating : Worth a watch !..