Cell 211

Year of release : 2009


Language : Spanish


Run time : 2h20min


Genre : Drama / Action



Calzones is a prison guard who shows up at the prison the day before he starts to work there,to get familiarized with the place. Debris falls from the ceiling,on the sector of the prison they don't use anymore,and hits him in the head.


Knocked unconscious, the other two guards who were showing him around ,put him in a cell,as the inmates started a riot.


Waking up,and realizing the trouble he's in, Calzones hides his personal things and pretends to be an inmate.

Soon,he becomes the leader of the inmates,Malamadre's, best man.


Most of the inmates are there for life,so they ask for better conditions of life,as one of them died the previous day due to a cancer tumour in his head,that the guards didn't take seriously,thinking he was lying when he was complaining about head aches.


Due to a series of events, Calzones becomes more on the inmates' side than on the guards.


The acting was good,the only one I felt didn't give 100% being the lead,playing Calzones.


The movie won a Goya Award for Best Actor and Best Film. The Goya Awards are the Spanish equivalent to the Oscars. Luis Tosar, who played Malamadre, and who to me was the best actor in the movie,received the Goya for Best Actor.


The movie is streaming on AMC Plus and DIRECTV.


Rating : Worth a watch !