Chernobyl abyss

Language : Russian


Year of release : 2021


Run time : 2h16min


Genre : Drama / Action / Historic


Cast : Danila Kozlovsky



The movie is a disaster piece directed by the lead actor,Danila Kozlovsky.


Olga cuts hair at a salon, where Alex comes for a haircut. Soon enough, we realize they used to date and they didn't see each other in ten years. Once he sees her, Alex tries to get her out on a date and doesn't stop until she agrees.


Because he's so persistent, he finds out she has a son, who is his. The man is unable to commit,unable to keep a promise,is very unreliable.


The movie has a long intro of half an hour - which explains why the movie is so long - because they want to set up the lead characters, and give them a backup story, but I still didn't care. I mean,if I didn't see all their struggle, I would have cared just as much.


The way the movie started,it felt like a drama,and I must admit,I hate dramas,so it started to bore me. There are these scenes in which they talk or fight, which drag on, there are moments of silence in which they just stare at each other for a long time, to the point I think there's something wrong with the movie. Maybe Danila wanted to show the viewer how awkward they were around each other, or the awkwardness of the moment, but it didn't grip me. They could have cut those scenes short or completely, and we wouldn't have missed a thing,I feel.

This backup story is unnecessary and makes the leading male look like an arsh*le, as he doesn't want to take responsibility for his actions, he doesn't tell the kid when asked that he is his father,he denies it,which means he doesn't plan on staying around.


Luckily,the movie and pace changed with the nuclear power plant explosion.


I liked the visual effects,with the birds falling from the sky, the people starting to get sick really fast from the radiation.


I liked the soundtrack,especially when he was driving and birds were falling from the sky.

Other than that,the actors were fine, the actress who played Olga, Oksana Akinshina, seems to always act the same way,I saw her in Sputnik too,and her character was just as sad in that one. It was the exact same acting.


The movie is available on Netflix.


Rating : Could have been a contender !