
Year of release : 1950


Run time : 1h15min


Genre : Animation / Musical



Cinderella is based on Charles Perrault's 1697 fairy tale of the same name,and received 3 Oscars for sound and music.


Wanting to give his daughter a mother,Cinderella's father,a widower, marries Lady Tremaine, a widow with two daughters. He dies shortly after, and leaves Cinderella with her step mother who is jealous of her looks,and is only interested in herself and her daughters.

Lady Tremaine wastes Cinderella's father's money, so she turns Cinderella into a maid in her own house,catering to her and her daughters,and taking care of the animals and birds they have at the chateau.


The king gets tired of waiting for his son to get married,as he is old and wants to have grandchildren before he dies. He orders a ball honoring the prince's return,inviting all the eligible maidens.


Hearing of such news, Cinderella wants to attend,but her step mother and step sisters make sure she can't.


Crying after her step sisters trashed the beautiful dress her bird and animal companions made for her, her Fairy Godmother appears and bewitches things and animals,gifting her with a carriage, horses,and a beautiful dress. She tells her she has to be home by midnight,as it will all return to its previous form.


At the ball, she catches the prince's eye, who dances with her all night.


The action takes place in two days, the day of the ball and the day after,so we don't get to know the characters that well,not even Cinderella, as we don't really know about her dreams and aspirations other than the fact she wants to attend the ball. We do see how hard her step mother and sisters make life for her.

The animation is targeting mostly children,as it mostly features Cinderella's animal and bird friends,getting their food, running from the cat,Lucifer, singing, working on her dress, talking like in the Looney Toons,having no idea what they're saying,thing I found boring .


The animation is made using the old technique of hand painting,and was beautiful.


The voice actors were great.


I personally don't like musicals, so the singing bored me.


You can watch the full movie here for free :


Rating : Worth a watch !