Confessions of a teenage drama queen

Year of release : 2004


Run time : 1h26min


Genre : Musical / Family / Teen


Cast : Lindsay Lohan, Megan Fox, Alison Pill



Mary,who wants to be known as Lola,is a spoiled and very dramatic teenage girl. She thinks moving from the noisy New York to a quiet New Jersey suburbia is equal to moving to another planet.

She always exaggerates things to the point she doesn't mind lying to her friend about her father being dead when he's very much alive,just so she could have a more interesting story.

She gets the coveted part of Eliza,while she dreams of meeting her favorite rock star.


I didn't like this movie.


SPOILERS  I hated how this girl who complained a lot about everything,always got what she wanted. I hated how cartoon board the so called villain was,how the villain never got her way once opposed to Mary / Lola.

Mary / Lola is obsessed with this rock star,played by Adam Garcia,she dreams of meeting and marrying him. When she hears his band is breaking up,she feels the end of the world is coming. She gets the chance to see his band in concert one last time,as they have a farewell concert.

She can't get the tickets the mean girl of the school,Carla(Megan Fox) got,so she plans with her friend who's also a fan of the band,to sneak into the concert. They fail. So they walk all New York to his place where they have the after party.

Luckily for her ( it's like this story is written by Lola herself,as she always gets her way) a drunken Stu ( her favorite rock star) is wandering outside, falling into the garbage(so sexy! if I saw my favorite people in such a position,I'd lose my interest in a heartbeat). So, Lola and her friend,take him to a diner,and have a coffee with him. They end up as his guests at his after party. Where Carla sees them as she's walking out.

The next day, Carla spreads the rumor Lola was never at the concert or after party,but that she,Carla, was there,and was the star. This really bothers Lola,to the point she doesn't want to go to the school play.


Of course,Stu comes to Carla's after party looking for Lola,because, why not,every famous rock star would do that ( it's as if this effing movie is written by Lola herself,because this is ridiculous) and of course,everybody knows she told the truth,she's friends with the rock star,and Carla is a liar! Of course to make it even better,Carla fell into the well she has in her house. I'm telling you, this is like Lola wrote her own story,because I couldn't have written it better myself!


The acting was good,I have nothing against the actors. Lindsay can sing,but her voice is not that powerful..


The movie can be rented or purchased on Amazon Instant Video, Apple iTunes, Google Play, Vudu.


Rating : Could have been a contender !