Day Watch

Year of release : 2006


Run time : 2h26min


Genre : Action / Horror / Fantasy


Director : Timur Bekmambetov



The movie is based on the 2nd book of the Russian Watch series by Sergei Lukyanenko and Vladimir Vasilyev,and is the sequel to the 2004 Russian movie, Night Watch.


Anton is still part of the Night Watch,and is working with a trainee,Svetlana,the witch who cursed herself,from the first movie. She is destined to become a great one,and Anton,although in love with her,stays away from her,making her feel bad about the way he treats her.


They patrol the streets of Moscow,and are called on a case of an old woman being attacked by a dark one. At the scene,Anton realizes it's his son,Yegor,who is sucking her life source.

Svetlana runs after him,and almost catches him,if it weren't for Anton.


As the Day Watch is in possession of Yegor's hat, Zavulon,the great dark one,asks Anton to retrieve his son's hat,so he won't be trialed. At the same time, Zavulon has his own dark plans with Anton,as he is working on framing him.


Being framed for the murder of a dark one,Anton changes bodies with his former partner, Olga, but it doesn't last long,as the dark ones are onto him.


Anton is looking for the Chalk of Fate,to re-write history, and take back his sin,of going to a witch and asking her to k!ll his estranged wife's unborn baby,whom he was told was not his,in order to get back with her.


His son hates Svetlana, knowing his father loves her,and is trying to k!ll her,acting like an obsessed person from obsession movies,wanting his father to get back with his mother,and live together with him, although his parents didn't see each other since before he was born.


The movie is one of my favorites,and has a good plot with many characters with their own motives for doing what they are doing.


The visual affects are great,and stand the test of time. A lot of the visual effects in this movie can be seen in the American movies Timur Bekmambetov directed, Wanted and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.


The soundtrack was great,at certain scenes it even has choirs!


The actors were all great,I could find them no fault,they are each ,one better than the other,from the cameos,to the leads. Two of the leading characters,Olga and Anton, exchange bodies for a short while,and the actors were great playing the opposite gender. After,Anton is drugged,and again,the actor,Konstantin Khabensky, gives an incredible performance.


The movie is for rent / sale on Amazon Prime, Directv, Google Play Movies, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


The link to the YouTube movie here,but in Russian:


Rating : The stuff dreams are made of!

