
Year of release : 2016


Run time : 1h48min


Genre : Action / Sci Fi / Comedy


Cast : Ryan Reynolds, Ed Skrein, Morena Baccarin, Gina Carano, T.J. Miller



Deadpool is based on the 1991 comic book character of the same name. Deadpool is an antihero who at first was a supervillain.


Deadpool is a disfigured character who is looking for Francis, the scientist who put him in a so called superhero programme to cure his cancer, routine which gives the ones involved superpowers. Problem is, in order to get the powers they need to be tortured. A lot. Because that's what triggers the mutation.

He thinks Francis can give him his good looks back.

Thing is, Francis doesn't like him much, as Deadpool, Wade Wilson, by his real name, has a big mouth, and he kept on nagging Francis about his real name, as the man goes by the name Ajax,now.


Francis is also the villain of the story, as he creates super soldiers, super slaves, as he called them, with his super powers programme.


At the same time, Deadpool is looking for a way to get his girlfriend back, as he is afraid she might not want him anymore,disfigured.


Clossus, an X-Man, is trying to get Deadpool to become one of the X-Men, but Deadpool keeps on refusing.


The movie was funny and entertaining( I laughed the whole time), the actors were all good.

The action scenes were great, so were the visual effects.

The soundtrack was fine.


The movie is streaming on DirecTv, Disney Plus, Fubo Tv, FXNow, and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : It's so money !