Demolition Man

Year of release : 1993


Run time : 1h55min


Genre : Action / Sci Fi


Cast : Sylvester Stallone, Sandra Bullock, Wesley Snipes



The movie is based on Aldous Huxley's book, Brave New World,published in 1932.


John Spartan, one of the best cops in Los Angeles, finally catches Simon Phoenix, a dangerous terrorist psychopath who has been wrecking havoc around the USA.


When caught, Phoenix lies Spartan knew about the prisoners in the building Phoenix blew up,but he didn't care. So,as Phoenix is condemned to more than 40 years in the cryonics prison,Spartan is imprisoned too,to 70 years of sub zero rehabilitation for involuntary manslaughter of 30 prisoners.


36 years later, in a dystopian society, where there's no crime,and the people who refused to join it,live underground,attacking food trucks, Simon Phoenix is de-frozen for parole hearing.

Simon is a new man,as he now knows foreign languages, martial arts, and how to operate the advanced technology in this new world. He escapes prison,committing what in the future they call "murder death kill " .


When hearing about the news of this violent killer loose,the police is conflicted,as they don't even know what code 187 is,"murder death kill",and say baffled: "we're police officers,we're not trained to handle this kind of violence!"


The police is pretty much there just to be there,because they don't have any crime,they just get bored. Also,they don't know how to fight crime. Most of the characters introduced to us, are the police,and they all seem to be like children!


Lenina Huxley listens to one of their older colleagues, and insists they de-freeze John Spartan, as he was the one who was able to catch this maniac, and then jailed for it!


Once detective John Spartan awake, he starts pursuing Simon Phoenix,and starts suspecting Cocteau,the mayor and owner of the cryogenic technology,is the one behind Phoenix's rehabilitation skills and freedom.


Many things are illegal like smoking,salt, alcohol,coffee,music,movies..the music they listen to is old and mostly jingles..they have a radio station dedicated to them..people wear a chip under the skin so they can be tracked,and there's no paper money,only on card so they can be tracked.

All restaurants are called Taco Bell,as they won the franchise "wars".

There's no toilet paper,only 3 shells in the bathroom,that we're not told how to use.

They don't have houses ,but units like a hotel room with frosted glass sliding doors, which are opened with a card.


Also, s3x is prohibited, as it's considered the downfall of society, so people have what they call s3x while connected to machines,without actually touching each other. They aren't even allowed to kiss!

Turns out they have to file to have kids,and even then,is not through normal s3x.

And, Los Angeles merged with San Diego and another city,being named San Angeles.


They keep on calling John Spartan savage, cro magnon, while they are literally kids in adults bodies,who never had a normal relationship their whole life.


The name of the movie is given by John Spartan's nickname, the Demolition Man.


The visual effects are good for 1993,the actors are all good, Wesley Snipes was the best,you can tell he had fun filming the movie.

This is one of my favorite movies growing up,I have it on original videotape ,I still enjoy watching it,and know some of the lines by heart.


The movie is streaming on Hulu and is for rent or buy on Amazon Prime Video, AMC on Demand, Apple iTunes, DIRECTV, Google Play Movies, Microsoft Store, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !