
Year of release : 2010


Run time : 1h20min


Genre : Horror / Thriller


Cast : Chris Messina, Bojana Novakovic, Logan Marshall - Green



Devil is an M.Night Shyamalan movie,the story was written by him but directed by John Erick Dowdle.


A detective is investigating the fall of a man with a rosary in his hand on top of a truck. Seeing there's no glass,he comes to the conclusion the man fell from a high building on top of the moving truck.

As he's walking towards a building with his subordinate,they receive a call about the weird things happening in this building. The building the man fell from.


In this building,five people are trapped in an elevator,and whenever the lights go out,someone gets hurt,at first just a scratch or should I say bite,then straight up killed. And the people trying to help get them out,die in the process.


A religious man working as a guard in the video surveillance room,keeps on talking about the devil,how the devil is doing this to these people and how the end is not gonna have a good outcome. He's also talking about how everyone is there for a reason,their actions leading them down that path,the ones in the elevator for their evil deeds,the ones watching for being believers or disbelievers ( SPOILER - the detective was there for his disbelief,since his family was killed by a hit and run 5 years before. The irony is he's gonna finally find out who did it).


I loved the acting,all the actors are great,and I loved the reveal.


The soundtrack was good.


I loved the opening sequence with the Bible quote. And loved how it opened with the world upside down,as if the devil sees the world upside down,hanging upside down,or as if the world is hanging from the sky .


I loved the bleak,rainy,dark clouds before the storm atmosphere,as if saying 'something wicked this way comes'.


Devil is streaming on Peacock Premium, and is for rent or sale on Amazon Prime Video, Apple iTunes, Google Play Movies, Microsoft Store, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : It's so money !