
Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h59min


Genre : Adventure / Musical / Animation / Fantasy / Comedy


Cast : Amy Adams , Maya Rudolph, Patrick Dempsey, James Marsden



15 years after finding her happily ever after, Giselle questions what happiness really is, as her stepdaughter, Morgan, is a teenager now, and fell apart from her and her father.

Giselle doesn't understand how is this possible,as they were so close.


She has a baby with Robert, but she doesn't feel her life is perfect,as she wants her little Morgan back.


She convinces Robert to move from New York to Monroeville, a place which reminds her of Andalasia. They even buy a castle, according to Giselle, a house which is under serious reconstruction, according to the rest.


The town is really beautiful, and so is their house.


Giselle tries to make Morgan feel good and welcomed in the town,so she goes as far as creating a booth with cupcakes where she asks her schoolmates to vote for her.

Morgan snaps at her and when her father calls Giselle her mother, which she was to her, as they were always so close, Morgan calls her stepmother,which breaks Giselle's heart.


As everything she does seems to never please Morgan, after prince Edward and his wife Nancy, come to visit from Andalasia, bringing their baby a magic wishing wand, Giselle decides to use it herself.


So..Giselle wishes to live a fairy tale life.


The next day, everything is full of color and looks like in a fairy tale. Whenever the clock strikes, Giselle turns mean and she realizes she is turning into the evil stepmother, the spell turning the chipmunk who came to visit her, and who narrates the story, into her evil cat!


The actors were good, they all have beautiful voices. Amy Adams still acts like a Disney princess, exactly like the cartoon leads which I always loved ( I'm talking about the mimic and the gestures).

And, I really loved her as the "stepmother".


The costumes were beautiful,( I really loved Giselle's dresses), so was the town they moved in.


The movie was good, but they sing a lot, which I hated, because I hated the songs. To be honest, I hate musicals.


What I didn't like was that prince Edward has a cameo in the story, but at least with better outfits.

And that the men, are in the background, this being a female movie. From the moment Giselle makes her wish, Robert is reduced to a buffoon who is always looking for dragons or trolls to fight but is never able to fight them, even Giselle, turned mean ,says something about how useless he is!


The movie is a Disney production, and streams on Disney Plus.


Rating : Worth a watch !