
Year of release : 2014


Run time : 2h20min


Genre : Sci Fi / Action / Dystopia


Cast : Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Kate Winslet, Ashley Judd



Based on the Divergent book and series,written by Veronica Roth, Divergent is a dystopian movie set in a futuristic world,a hundred years after another world war.


In this new world, people are divided into factions : Abnegation,where the selfless people are, Erudite,where the smart people abide, Dauntless,where the courageous live,being also the army of the state, Candor ,the honest people, and Amity,the peaceful,zen ones.

There's also the Factionless,the ones who failed their chosen faction tests,who are homeless.


Tris,our heroine, and her family live in the Abnegation faction,the ruling faction.


The Erudite plan to take over the ruling as they think they deserve to be in charge,being the smart ones. I personally believe Abnegation are the best to rule,as they put others first,thinking of what's best for everyone.


The movie,just like the book,starts with Tris' mother arranging her hair,for the factions test,which is taken when they turn 16,if I'm not mistaken. In the movie it doesn't say the age.


Taking the test,she finishes pretty quickly,and she's told by the woman giving her the test to lie to everyone she got sick due to the serum given,and that she scored in Abnegation.

When pressed,the woman tells her she tested Divergent,which is a person the government kills due to the fact they don't fit in one category,having all the skills, and can't be controlled.


But Tris always liked the Dauntless.


Told they can choose whatever faction they want, Tris chooses Dauntless. At first,things are very hard for her, due to the training,and the leader,Eric,giving them hard tasks to accomplish,and also hating her for some reason. But,in the second part of the test,which deals again with the mind world,with the psychic,Tris scores high.


When out for tattoos,after completing a test, she meets the woman who gave her the faction test,who tells her she should have chosen Abnegation,as in these mind trials,they can find out she's Divergent and kill her like they did with her own brother.


Getting closer to Four, who seems to have an affinity for her, she tells him the truth,although,it's clear he pretty much figured it out. Four takes her into his mind,to show her how to think like Dauntless,in order to pass the test and not be found out.


I personally read the book,and didn't like it,Tris was too strong while Four was weak,among many other things like unnecessary scenes. I also have the Insurgent book which I didn't read since I hated the first book,and don't plan on ever reading it.

This movie is one of the few in which's case the movie is better than the book.


The actors were all good, so were the visual effects..The movie had good music and soundtrack,and really good action and fighting scenes. My personal favorite were the scenes happening in their heads ( I don't know why,I love this kind of movies).


Divergent is streaming on DIRECTV, Freeform, Fubo Tv, Netflix, Sling Tv, Spectrum on Demand,and is for rent or buy on Amazon, Apple, Google, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !