Doctor Strange In the multiverse of madness

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 2h6min


Genre : Sci Fi / Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Superhero


Cast : Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olsen, Rachel McAdams



Doctor Strange wakes up from a weird dream in which he was trying to help a teenager who was chased by a giant octopus,but comes to the conclusion he needs to kill her so her powers won't end up in the wrong hands.


It's the day of his former flame's wedding,and he feels a bit mellow.


That doesn't last long,as a portal opens and the octopus from his dream enters,wreaking havoc. He realizes it's the same girl,and he decides to help her.


Doctor Strange is not as smart as we remember him to be,so he goes and asks for help from Wanda , ( you know,the one who took an entire town hostage, forcing it to play her mind games ), telling her,it's Ok she did what she did,he knew she'd eventually come to her senses and do the right thing! ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME?!


Color me surprised,as Wanda stops playing nice,and reveals she is the Scarlet Witch,and she's the one behind the octopus monster chasing the girl. She asks him to give him the girl,for she wants to kill her and take her powers.


The girl has the power to travel the multiverse. Wanda wants it because in this scenario,dreams are what happens to us in the other universes! Eye roll! So,Wanda dreams every night about the kids she doesn't have ,but has in another reality,and wants them. How is she gonna achieve this,you ask?Well, by killing that version of herself,of course!

What I find amazing is she's obsessed with some kids she never had,kids she created out of nothing in the awful tv series WandaVision! Why isn't she obsessed with getting Vision,the man who existed,and whom she loved ?! I could have gotten behind that!


So,she kills a lot of people, and goes against her friends ready to kill them(she even killed Professor X)! I don't care how Marvel tries to spin this,she is a villain! She crossed the point of no return,if you ask me,in WandaVision,when she took the town hostage,forcing them to act the way she wanted them too,damaging their mental health and health all together. And if you weren't convinced by that,that she is a villain,well,she kills a lot of people in this one,so she is a villain,not a hero,although,she has the audacity to say after she killed many people " I would never hurt anyone,I'm not a monster!". This after she killed many people,and mind controlled her version from the universe with the kids she wanted,to kill people in order for her to get to the girl who's powers she wanted !


I don't know what is it with movies today,especially Marvel ones,that they gratify villains,portraying them as good characters.


I didn't like the visual effects in the beginning,I personally don't like monsters like octopuses,I find it ridiculous,and lose my interest in the story,as I find it for kids. But they got better,there's a few scenes in which they fall from universe to universe and the visuals are great,and when Doctor Strange fights Wanda and the ghosts. Also,the visual effects seem borrowed from movies like Inception and the Russian movie Coma,so they're nothing new. The scenes with the Wanda with kids possessed by Scarlet Witch seem inspired by the horror movie Carrie,as that's how her face looks like,and 'Drag me to hell'. I personally loved those scenes, they were very well done.The movie overall, is aesthetically pleasing.


Most of the acting was fine,but I didn't like America Chavez,as the actress only had one face,which wasn't scared enough,and Elizabeth Olsen,who just seemed to be acting like an angry kid who threw a fit because she didn't get the toy or whatever,she wanted.

I hated the Illuminati,who looked so full of themselves,so pretentious,so annoying! I didn't know that with their powers also came wisdom,since they called themselves the Illuminati, the enlightened ones,and had the power to decide the faith of the world. Speaking of the Illuminati wisdom,the "smartest man in the world" the "genius" that was Mister Fantastic,tells Scarlet Which one of his team members can destroy her with one sound from his mouth,so the witch destroys the guy!

The movie has cameos from Bruce Campbell, Hayley Atwell, Patrick Stewart, John Krasinski.


The music was fine.


The Marvel movies are a Disney production,so the movie is streaming on Disney+. The movie is also out in all the cinemas across the world.


Rating : Worth a watch !