
Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h35min


Genre : Sci Fi / Thriller



After waking up with a huge blood stain on the sheets under her, Sarah goes to the doctor. She vomits more blood at the hospital. She is kept over night. The next day she's told she has a rare terminal disease, which's name the doctor doesn't give her, because why would she, and she has a 2 percent chance of survival, which wasn't even real, like the doc put it herself.


The doctor gives her a flyer telling her she can clone herself so her loved ones won't miss her. What?!

In a world in which we are told we are too many,they clone people who are about to die! Make it make sense,y'all !


She uses the time to clone herself ( it was done in an hour,I'm not kidding!) using money she doesn't have,that the clone has to pay for after her death. Instead of spending more time with her mother or boyfriend, she spends time teaching the clone how to be her, and getting her boyfriend and her clone, named Sarah's Double, together!


Months later,like ten,the doctor tells her she went into remission,although she didn't do anything for it,no chemotherapy,no nothing. At least they could have said she did chemo or at least that they mistook her charts for someone else's! This was just bad writing ! Did I mention she was vomiting a lot of blood?!


So, she has to have her clone decommissioned, but her clone files that she wants to stay,so they have to train to fight each other to the death one year from then,because they can't have both of them running around! All this time she has to pay for her clone's support,as if she is a child or a spouse !


The movie is told only from Sarah's point of view.


This movie felt like it was made because they had an idea. The beginning of the movie felt like it was written to get to the cloning part.


Theo James appears only for the first one minute of the movie in the Hunger Games-like tournament,when he has to kill his clone.


All the characters are unlikeable, including the lead. Her boyfriend doesn't mind living and dating a clone, he actually makes out with her right in front of her. He actually seems annoyed she doesn't die faster!

When he gets the news she doesn't die anymore, he is very mean and rude to her. He locks her out of her own mother's house, and when she goes to take her things from the place they lived in together, he comments on the sheets she blood stained when she vomited blood in her sleep, to take with her 'cause he doesn't need them stained! Which I found disgusting coming from anyone, especially from a boyfriend!


This is when we find out Sarah lives a boring life,because he complains about her not liking to go out,and when they do she embarrasses him and she never pays for their meals.


Her mother is very clingy,but get this,she chooses the clone over her own flesh and blood! When she tells her the one she considers to be her daughter is a clone,she is completely unfazed,she doesn't freak out,she has no reaction. Oh,she actually has one,she pulls the curtains after her boyfriend locks her out of her own mother's house,so she won't see her!


The clone seems a bitch too, and she states she is tired of her mother's calls and messages,always inflicting herself into her life.


SPOILER towards the end,the clone comes with a plan and tricks the original,by poisoning her,to take her place (so she is afraid she's gonna kill her). It turns out she planned it with Sarah's own mother ( WTF?! What kind of mother would do such a thing ?!) and her boyfriend !


STILL SPOILER The movie ends with Sarah's double crying in the busted car, because she didn't know how to drive, and I think she cries due to the fact she used her original's family against her to stay alive, and now she couldn't leave them, although she was sick of them, as she already stated. So she ended up living the exact life Sarah was living,a life she didn't want,surviving because she didn't want to die.


The actors were bad,the lead acted as if she was a robot not a clone,so did her doctor who seemed either a news anchor or a robot.  

Rating : Coulda Woulda Shoulda!