
Year of release : 1996


Run time : 1h41min


Genre : Sports


Cast : Whoopy Goldberg



The movie was written by 4 people and goes to prove again,that more writers doesn't equal better,but the opposite.


Eddie is a driver,and she spends her time between driving rich people with the limousine around town,coaching kids in school,and going to the Knicks games,being a great fan.

She's such a big fan everyone knows of her love for the team and basketball,as she even leaves basketball questions on her answering machine for those calling,and even acts as a broadcaster for her limousine company's drivers who are on duty during the games.

Everybody at the Knicks games know who she is,as she's always picking on the coach,whom she doesn't think is a good one.


The Knicks team has a new owner,who takes interest in her,seeing her love for the game and passion for the Knicks. Seeing the audience loves her,he makes her the honorary assistant coach.

Not liking the coach's attitude and way of coaching,he makes it so he'd quit(because firing him he'd lose a lot of money to him),and hires Eddie.


Eddie has to deal with a team of incompetents with big egos. They're not good at their game,they lose every time,but they still think they're the best,and too good for anyone,and ignore fans,even when those are children.

Instead of training they waste their time on the basketball court talking to their lawyers,their girlfriends ,or sleeping.

One of them,being Russian,doesn't know the language,but nobody thinks to bring him a translator or an English teacher! Eddie comes up with the idea of herself studying a bit of Russian to be able to talk to him!(instead of doing what I just wrote!!!rolling my eyes!! wouldn't it be better for him to understand what everybody around him says to him or to others?)


The movie starts well,but loses me very fast. I was expecting a funny movie,but it's not. The movie focuses more on the basketball game and fans,and if you're not a fan it can be rather boring.

I didn't like the twist which has to exist in every movie,in which the characters break up,if a couple,or have a fallout if friends,and get back together,as in this one,they made the owner the bad guy,and I didn't like the resolve either.

For example, Juwanna Mann and She's the Man are two of my favorite movies which deal with sports(Juwanna Mann deals with basketball,just like this one),but they don't make it the focus point,as the movies have relationships and character growth,making the movies complete. In Juwanna Mann the lead goes from being an ar$eh0le,full of himself,who disrespects the fans,and thinks women's basketball is sh!t, to a good guy who appreciates these things.

There's an attempt at something like this in Eddie, with a guy who is divorcing,because he cheated,but I think in a previous scene I saw him going in a hotel room with two or three women,which shows he didn't change his ways,but we're supposed to believe he loves his wife and doesn't want to divorce her. In fact,all the guys went inside hotel rooms with two or three women,which doesn't make them appealing,the Russian guy was the only one with one girl,which maybe the writers wanted to show he couldn't get more,but just showed the audience he was the only normal guy in there,and not a perv.


Eddie doesn't have a love interest and we don't know much about her,outside the basketball court.


The movie has quite a few cameos of famous people.


I didn't like the soundtrack,which didn't age well.


The actors were fine,except for the ones who played the basketball players,as they seemed to have been real basketball players who's skills were not acting,but playing ball,and I wondered the whole time if those were real basketball players,playing themselves.


You can watch the full movie here for free :



Rating : Could have been a contender !