Edge of tomorrow

Year of release : 2014


Run time : 1h 53min


Genre : Action / Sci-Fi


Cast : Tom Cruise , Emily Blunt , Bill Paxton



Major William Cage is disgraced from his position as one day,being sent on the field to film the battle,he refuses and attempts to blackmail his superior. He is accused of desertion and thrown into the first lines of the battle.


On the first day as he doesn’t have any training,he fights his way through the field,and manages to kill an alien.


He wakes up the previous morning,and relives the same day again.

He contacts Rita,named the Angel of Verdun,for managing to kill some of the aliens invading earth,and finds out what’s happening to him.


From the cowardly guy at the beginning,Cage has this incredible growth,turning into the hero of the story. From the guy who didn’t want to be thrown into the battle,he now looks for ways to defeat the enemy,assembling a team of his own,trying to warn people and go behind the enemy lines .


I loved this movie,it's one of my favorites. The acting was great,visual effects top notch. Great soundtrack also.


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !