El ascensor - The elevator

Language : Spanish


Year or release : 2021


Run time : 1h10min


Genre : Sci Fi



A couple is trapped in the elevator as they are fighting on a stormy night, as the lightning kept on striking the elevator shaft.

As one of them pushes the button they realize they are caught in a loop that the other is unaware of,and is trying to make them believe their reality.


Once they both experience the loop, they start working together on getting out of the loop and the elevator.


They keep on bringing up the movie 'Caught in the elevator' so I'm guessing this is based on it. Doing my research I came to the conclusion they talk about the 1989 movie Trapped.


The acting was great,so were the visual effects.


Google labels it a dramatic comedy, but I assure you, it's not!


SPOILERS - It was a bit bittersweet as once they managed to work together, work out their problems and get out of the elevator, they completely forgot about the entire ordeal and went back to the first scene of them fighting.


The movie is streaming on Amazon Prime Video.


Rating : Could have been a contender !