
Year of release : 2020


Run time : 2h5min


Genre : Romance / Drama


Cast : Anya Taylor-Joy, Bill Nighy, Mia Goth



The movie is based on Jane Austin's book(in 3 volumes) of the same name,published in 1815, which had many incarnations,two in 1996,one with Gwyneth Paltrow, the other with Kate Beckinsale.


Emma fancies herself as a match maker. She thinks she is pretty good at it, until she is telling one of her friends to refuse the man she actually wants because she can do better.


She doesn't like miss Bates who seems to be in awe of her. In fact,everybody seems to like Emma, as she is like a celebrity of her time, everyone tries to get into her graces,men and women, the girls from the school her friend goes to..the only one not fawning over her is mister Knightley.

Emma is a bit unlikeable as she meddles in everyone's business thinking she knows better,when she doesn't.


Emma's father is a bit of an hypochondriac,as he always feels a draft coming from wherever he sits, and asks the servants to put screens all around him,so he won't catch a cold!


The characters, the girls, seemed like the teenagers of today, unsure of their feelings who need others to tell them who should they like and be with,which was rather annoying. Speaking of annoying, Emma tells her protege to aim for mister Elton, and ignore the one she wants and wants her, who is obviously in love with Emma.


The actors were fine.


The soundtrack had a lot of classical music,which I don't like. There's also a few scenes in which the actors sing and play the piano.


The places where the movie was filmed were beautiful, the landscapes and the interior design. I liked the women's dresses but hated the men's clothes. They wore a lot of mustard color, which I hated and kinda made everyone look pale.

I didn't like Emma's hairstyle.


Emma is streaming on Amazon, Apple, Fubo Tv, Google, Hulu, Peacock, Redbox, Sling Tv, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !