
Year of release : 2007


Run time : 1h49min


Genre : Family / Musical / Romance / Comedy


Cast : Amy Adams, James Marsden, Susan Sarandon, Patrick Dempsey



After meeting her Prince Charming, Giselle is banished from her kingdom on her wedding day by the Prince's evil stepmother.


She is transported into reality where she meets and is helped by a lawyer who has a daughter and who does not believe in happily ever after.


The movie starts with an animated sequence, the fairy tale world being all a cel animation (the Disney style animation,hand drawn ), and once Giselle ends up in the real world, the movie is normal and real. Whenever they interact with the fairytale world or the characters in that world, those are cartoon,and only when they transition into the real world they become real.


I liked this movie, I loved the acting, especially from Amy Adams who acts like a real Disney princess,and from James Marsden.

I don't like musicals so the singing parts kind of bored me,but the actors had beautiful voices.


I didn't like the soundtrack,meaning the songs chosen for the movie.


The visual effects were good.


The whole time I watched this I wondered if this movie inspired the series "Once upon a time".


Rating : Worth a watch !