Fahrenheit 451

Year of release : 2018  


Run time : 1h40min


Genre : Sci-fi / Action / Drama



Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature at which the fire department burns books.


In a dystopian future,the fire department is burning things instead of putting the fire out. The population,with the firemen included,believe that Benjamin Franklin created the fire department to burn all books.


The state believes that people are happier if they don't read and don't know much about their history.

People who are caught having or reading books are deleted, and taken out of the society.

The ones who live in society have to take eye drops daily to keep them obedient,and to have their mind erased.

Citizens have an AI in their home,who films their every move,and even when it "goes dark" is still on.

They are not allowed to write either,and we see the superior turning the AI off,to be able to write his thoughts down,only to burn the small paper afterwards.


The movie,based on a book by Ray Bradbury, reminded me of Equilibrium,but unlike Equilibrium failed to deliver,as it felt unfinished,due to the events unfolding.


The lead character has a friend in his superior,who ,when becoming aware of his actions,says that he'd rather go into the dark with his brother than into the light alone,and I thought he meant he was on his side,but apparently not. I don't know if that was meant to show us he didn't know the meaning of words.


The acting was good,but I don't know if people can memorize 13000 books like they said a character did,or if they can encode the books into a person or a bird's DNA.


Rating : Could have been a contender !