Fear of Rain

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h44min


Genre : Psychological Thriller / Mystery



Rain is a girl who has Schizophrenia. The movie starts with a scene in which she's being chased by someone and buried. We find out that that was one of the episodes she was having, in which she destroyed the whole room and completely lost a nail.


Her friends are afraid of her and stop talking to her. She befriends a boy who is her classmate whom she thinks is not real because he talks to her.


She starts suspecting her next door neighbor kidnapped a little girl she keeps imprisoned because she heard screams - but she always hears voices - and could swear she saw her with the girl in the attick. Her classmate who seems to like her a lot, is helping her find out the truth,a boy she and her family think not to be real.


The acting was great,especially from the actress who played the girl with Schizophrenia. It was very exhausting being in her head.

She was taking different pills but still hearing many voices, seeing things and people who weren't there.. SPOILER - she still sees her mother who died 3 years before.


I liked how the movie was shot, the colors, the scenery, the visual effects were great .


The movie is streaming on Hulu, and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Rebox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !