
Year of release : 2002


Run time : 1h42min


Genre : Horror / Supernatural Horror



The movie starts with a scared man,running from a little girl with a white ball. Trying to rescue her, or so we think, he jumps in front of the incoming train.

Detective Mike Reilly is called on the scene,and due to the victim's eyes and mouth bleeding, the Department of Health is called through Terry Huston. Terry ends up to the conclusion it's not an infectious disease.


After a few more victims appear with the same symptoms, the two start investigating together, as the only thing they had in common was a scary site -feardotcom-

Looking over the clues from the site, the detective recognizes the woman,as being the first victim of a serial k!ller he's been trying to catch for quite some time, but he always got away.


Researching the site, and ending up on it, the computer genius helping the police ends up seeing things, apparently things which scare her the most,like bugs.

Trying to help her, Mike visits the site and ends up seeing a woman everywhere. Now it's up to Terry to find out what's going on, as the victims have only 48 hours until they die from their greatest fear.


The movie reminded me of The Ring, released in the same year, as it follows pretty much the same steps, it even has the rainy atmosphere. The movie also gave me Seven vibes.

I liked the Art Deco vibe of the interiors, and colors of the movie, filmed on that blue,famous in the '90's.


The actors were all good, Stephen Rea, as the serial k!ller was chilly.


I liked the soundtrack, at certain times it sounded like Michael Jackson's Who Is It?


The visual effects in the most part were good, towards the end they start to look animated.


The movie is streaming on Darkmatter Tv, Pluto Tv,and is for rent / sale on Amazon Video and Vudu.


Rating : Worth a watch !