
Year of release : 2015


Run time : 1h45min


Genre : Comedy / Romance / Crime


Cast : Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Rodrigo Santoro



Nicky is enjoying his meal while out alone. A beautiful woman approaches him asking him to pretend to be her boyfriend until her man arrives as she can't get rid of a man who approached her at the bar.


Nicky accepts, and they end up talking the whole night. They decide to take it upstairs, and just as they're about to get down, a man bursts in saying he is the woman's husband.


Nicky is completely unimpressed by their demands,saying he has cancer ,so he has nothing to live for anyway, and they break character. Nicky tells them to never break character.


He then finds the woman on the street and gives her a few tips on how to con people better.


A while later, while in New Orleans, she approaches Nicky asking to let her in on their scheme. Nicky does, as he and his team were already waiting for her.


3 years later, she seems to be dating the man Nicky works for ,and Nicky wants her back.


The first time I watched the movie I loved it, now not so much. It's the story of a man who, once he realizes he gets too close to the woman he works with and is dating, he just leaves her for no reason ( this might have to do with his childhood, and what his father did and told him never to get attached to anyone in this game), and then they meet again after 3 years.


The acting was fine.


I didn't care for the soundtrack.


Focus is streaming on Netflix.


Rating : Worth a watch !