
Language : Russian


Year of release : 2018


Run time : 1h31min


Genre : Sci - Fi / Drama



After almost a year of flying to Mars,the Russian crew finally entered its thermosphere. Unluckily there's a storm of sorts and they have to crash land,killing most of the crew,only a man being left alive.


The commander of the Russian space force,or at least,I think he is,who is also friends with the surviving astronaut,wants to bring him back,but his superiors don't want to fund a very expensive mission only to rescue one man.


The boss of a tv channel promises to bring him back if the space force agrees to film reality shows with the astronaut. They agree,but that takes much of the astronaut's supplies ( in oxygen,electricity,etc..). It doesn't matter,they still carry on.


The movie started well,but very soon it crash landed just like their ship on Mars. The visual effects are good,the soundtrack Ok,the acting fine,I'd say..but. The characters are all random and have no heart to them. There's this woman who,I have no idea why is she the lead,I thought maybe she was the love interest of the astronaut,not the case! She is dating or is married ( we don't know) to someone else,someone whom she treats badly,and seems to be more concerned and in love with the astronaut,although there are no clues to them actually having an affair!


There's also the boss of the tv channel,who reminds me of the villains in Hunger Games,who is only shot from the back or the side,and who's face we never see,who is almost God-like. We don't know if he's the villain or he just saw an opportunity to make more money,the plot never goes anywhere with it.


There's this alien on Mars who is electric( honestly it looks like electricity or a lightning with a mind of its own ),and who might have been in the storm,who whenever it gets around the space base,makes the astronaut crazy,as in he says he can hear music,music which is inside himself,but he looks like he is in great pain. The space force think he lost his minds because space can be real,and they can fly to Mars,but aliens can not exist! That is impossible!


All this goes nowhere,as the movie is left unfinished,in the end,when he finds out nobody is coming to rescue him,he just leaves the space base and climbs the rocks of Mars !


It just feels like the movie had so many plot lines which were left unfinished,going nowhere!


Forsaken is available for streaming on Plex, Tubi, Vudu.


Rating : I would have given it a Could have been,but there's nothing about it I like! The Horror,The HORROR !