Furiosa : A Mad Max saga

Year of release : 2024


Run time : 2h29min


Genre : Action / Adventure


Cast : Anya-Taylor Joy, Chris Hemsworth



Furiosa is the prequel to the Mad Max Fury Road movie, and is part of the Mad Max franchise.


Living in the Green Place, Furiosa is taken by Dementus' men and offered to him. Her mother follows them,and manages to kill them all but one, the one who gives Furiosa to Dementus.

She refuses to talk, and her mother comes and rescues her. They follow them,because her mother didn't have the heart to kill the woman who told her she's a mother too, and she won't rat on her.


Dementus takes Furiosa (after he k!lls her mother right in front of her) and keeps her as his pet of sorts. He wants to conquer the Citadel, but he fails. Reaching and agreement with Immortan Joe, he loses Furiosa,whom he didn't want to let go, calling her his daughter.


Furiosa is kept with the wives,as Immortan Joe wants her to become one of his brides,once she grows older.

Seeing the horrors these women face (if they fail to give him a healthy child 3 times,they are turned into milkers) and being pursued by Immortan's son, Rictus Erectus, she runs away, shaves her head, and pretends to be a mute boy.


Still in the Citadel, she works with the War Boys, as a mute, making her way up in the ranks. She gets the opportunity to work with Praetorian Jack, who, while under attack from Dementus's people on the war rig, finds out she's a girl.


The movie is divided in 5 chapters. The end credits have flashes from the Fury Road.

The movie is action packed,beginning to end.


I would have liked to have seen more taking place between Furiosa and Jack. Also, when she breaks her arm (SPOILER it gets trapped between two speeding cars, and later on,when she is chained by it,by Dementus, she cuts it off. At first I thought she'd lose her arm due to the fact she wrote the map to the Green Place on it ) I would have liked to have seen emotion, pain,hear her scream, see her shake,because that is probably one of the most painful things ever!

Also, once it's revealed she's a girl,apparently there's no problem with Immortan Joe.

The movie ends with how people think she k!lled Dementus, and one of them is ridiculous SPOILER how could one survive for years,with a tree growing from its nether region?


That being said, I actually liked how she kept the seed in her hair. I didn't understand why, when she tried to pass as a boy she let her hair grow long.


Unlike what other reviewers have said, I liked the 40 minutes 'intro' ,I didn't think it was too long or whatever, as it was completely action packed. Her mother was a competent soldier who tracks them down and rescues her, k!lling a lot of Dementus' men in the process.


The actors were all great, Chris Hemsworth was epic and unrecognizable as Dementus. Dementus wears what seems to be a parachute as a white cape,giving him a sort of saintly figure vibe,while he's being far from it. The 'cape' turns red after they use what the War Boys call the 'blood of the sky' and everything turns red, even their hair. I also liked his outfits throughout. Dementus is the villain of the story, Immortan takes a backseat in this one. Dementus really wants the Citadel so he keeps on scheming to win it.


The actress who played Furiosa as a child, looked like Anya,who plays Furiosa as a woman.


The soundtrack was great.


The visual effects were great.


You can watch the full movie here,for free : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ae7TRTAPeaw&ab_channel=LahoriMistry


Rating : It's so money!




