Gentlemen prefer blondes

Year of release :1953


Run time : 1h19min


Genre : Comedy / Musical


Cast : Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell



Lorelei and Dorothy,two showgirls, are two friends who couldn't be more different. Lorelei wants a man with money,as she says money makes her fall in love with him,while Dorothy likes men for who they are, and falls in love with them as a person.

Lorelei is also a bit stup!d and childish.


They decide to go on a cruise to Paris,before Lorelei's wedding to the very rich Gus Esmond.


Gus' father hires a private detective to keep an eye on Lorelei,as he's sure she wants him for his money.


On the boat, Lorelei finds a very old man who owns a few diamond businesses,and she gets into him,as all she can see when she looks at him are diamonds. She sees the man's wife's tiara,and wants it.


Finding out Gus' father hired a private eye who took pictures of her in a compromising position with the old man,Piggy, she and Dorothy come with a plan to get the pictures from him.


Getting the pictures back,she shows them to Piggy,and as a reward for keeping him out of trouble,she asks Piggy to give her his wife's tiara,which was a family heirloom.

One could guess the troubles which ensue from this.


The movie rather bored me,as it is a musical(which I don't like),and at the beginning,it has two musical numbers,one after the other. The singing and dancing is really good,though.


I found Marilyn's character silly and unlikeable. The way she acted annoyed me, her character was stup!d,and was also acting as if she was a little girl,calling men 'daddy'. The moment she heard a man had money,no matter how old,she'd be all over him,trying to get diamonds,and her reasoning annoyed me.


I liked the women's clothing. The only dress I didn't like was the iconic one that Madonna copied for her Material Girl video(I didn't like it in Madonna's video either).

I hated the music. Two music sequences have no sound,maybe it was cut due to copyright. Jane Russell has a beautiful voice. I didn't hear Marilyn's.


You can watch the full movie for free here :


Rating : Could have been a contender !