Ginger snaps

Year of release : 2000


Run time : 1h48min


Genre : Horror


Cast : Katharine Isabelle,Emily Perkins,Mimi Rogers



Ginger and Brigitte are two sisters born one year apart from each other who are best friends. They don’t fit in in school,one of the reasons being they are unusual,as in, they are attracted to the dark side;for example,for their school project they took pictures of themselves as dead in scene of the crime scenarios,freaking the teacher out.


Ginger gets her period at 15 and on that very night,probably because she was bleeding,as they were out looking for a schoolmate’s dog,she is attacked by a creature after they just found out another eviscerated dog (the dogs in the neighborhood were viciously attacked and killed for some time now by some mysterious creature).


The sisters were very close,had this amazing bond that not many siblings have-they talked about dying together,they were that morbid-,and once Ginger comes out of the attack she grows apart from her sister.

Ginger starts acting out-probably due to what she’s going through,the fear of changing into something she doesn’t understand and doesn’t know how to come back from- and this coincides with her getting her first period,coming into adulthood,which I think that this is what this movie is about, a twisted story about leaving childhood,changing into something one can’t come back from.


As Ginger explores her new self,she starts dating the popular kid at the school,does drugs,has s3x with him,her sister is trying to find out what happened to her and how to help her.


The movie takes place during the course of a month or two,during Ginger’s transformation  SPOILERS  and she fully turns into a werewolf,unable to change back.


Throughout her transformation Ginger is driven by one single thought:her sister must be with her,like her. She wants to change her into what she is,because they said they were gonna die together. She lashes out because her sister doesn’t want to follow her into the darkness and k!lls people,becoming more of a beast.


This is one of my favorite movies,the acting was good,the soundtrack was good,has this beautiful,sad song at the beginning which is played out through the movie.

This movie does not have a happy ending.


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of!