Goodnight mommy

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h32min


Genre : Psychological Thriller / Horror


Cast : Naomi Watts



The movie is based on the 2014 Austrian horror movie of the same name. The twins in the movie have the same names as the original cast( actors' names).


Twins Elias and Lukas, are left by their father to their mother's house. The mother forgot to mention she had plastic surgery, so her face is wrapped in a mask to heal. She tells them the barn, her room and office, are off limits.


The twins, mostly Elias, starts to suspect their mother is not their mother anymore. To this he finds clues like, her eyes are green in her head shots for publicity, but blue now; she threw away his drawing, she refuses to sing their song, and so on.


After his mother catches him in the bathroom,while she was taking a bath,with another healing mask on,trying to peel it off her face, she breaks down the boys' bedroom door, as they locked it.

This makes them more convinced she is not their mother, and they run off. They are found by the police and taken home,and the mother wakes up tied to the bed.


Elias keeps on having nightmares about the barn, and about his mother being an alien or demon.


The actors were all great,I loved Naomi's interpretation, and the kids'.

The visuals were good too.



The mother never interacts with Lukas. She only looks at Elias, only talks to him, only rages at and punishes him.


Elias was obviously disturbed from k!lling his brother, maybe he was always disturbed, and his mind was always finding reasons to doubt and maybe hurt others. I think the parents should have taken him to a psychologist and even commit him, and if you think I'm harsh, watch the movie, then come back.


The state Elias's mind is in, he could hurt anyone in self defense or not, then block it out like it never happened,and bring them back.


I also don't understand why the parents played along with his fantasy, as we see at the end, this was to their detriment.


The movie is an Amazon original and is streaming on Amazon Prime Video.


Rating : Worth a watch !