
Year of release : 2003


Run time : 1h38min


Genre : Thriller / Horror


Cast : Halle Berry, Robert Downey Jr, Penelope Cruz



Gothika, which can also be spelled Gothica, is a term for a situation in which someone sees or feels things that no one else can. Another definition states that Gothika is a terrifying dream or vision. Source ScreenRant


Psychiatrist Miranda Grey is working for a mental institution where her husband is the boss. She is good at her job,respected and liked by all the personnel.


One rainy night,as she takes a detour,she encounters a beaten,bloody girl and she offers to help. She wakes up 3 days later in the psychiatric ward as a patient.


Her colleague and friend,doctor Pete Graham,tells her she was acting crazy and that she killed her husband. From here on,she starts remembering bits and pieces,as she is haunted by this girl,at the same time fighting to prove her innocence to her peers and friends.


The acting was great,everybody was great,especially Halle Berry.


The the visual effects are still great,I recall the producer of Matrix worked on this movie,so you see some visual effects inspired by it,like the rain scene.

I loved the way the movie was filmed,the angles.

Most of the time,until Miranda finds out what truly happened,it's raining,as if the ghost is in mourning,and its feelings bleed through the real world.


The soundtrack was beautiful,eerie, haunting,setting the mood.


Rating : It's so money !