
Year of release : 2020


Run time : 2 hours


Genre : Action / Thriller


Cast : Gerard Butler , Morena Baccarin



The head of a family who has been through a rough patch with his wife, tries to reconcile. He receives a message from the government that he and his family and no one else will be expected to a certain airbase to be taken to a secluded place.

The whole time we are being shown on tv that a comet is getting closer to earth.


As they leave,the comet strikes and entire cities are wiped out. Once at the base they are separated,as the kid is diabetic. They also are refused as the ones with chronic diseases aren’t allowed in.

The family attempts to get to the wife’s father’s house.


Greenland is the name of the country where the underground base is located.


This movie is the poor brother of 2012 without the magnitude of it nor the great visuals. We’re more being told about it.


The acting was good.


I personally didn’t like it. I hated how the kid was dumbed down,his mother is taken out of a stranger’s car who offered to help,in a very violent way,and he remained in the car,getting separated from her.


Rating : The Horror , The Horror!