Hancock 2008

Run time : 1h42min


Genre : Action / Comedy / Fantasy


Cast : Will Smith, Charlize Theron, Jason Bateman


Hancock is a different kind of superhero. Different as in,he doesn’t really want to help, he doesn’t want to be a hero,but does it more because people expect it of him. Also,while trying to catch the bad guys  he does more harm and damage than good,so it seems like the city would have been better without his help.

After rescuing Ray,in one of his usual style rescues,creating more damage,seeing how people react to Hancock,complaining and fighting him,Ray decides to help him,change his image and make him lovable.

Hancock meets his wife,and by the way she looks at him,one would think that she doesn’t like him,but it’s more than meets the eye.


The movie was funny,after all,it’s a Will Smith movie,and has great action scenes. The actors were all great,the soundtrack was good.


The only thing I didn’t like was that at some times it had the shaky camera.


The is directed by Peter Berg,one of my favorite actors growing up.


Rating : It's so money !