
Year of release : 2005


Run time : 1h58min


Genre : Romantic / Comedy


Cast : Will Smith, Kevin James, Eva Mendes



Alex Hitchens was burnt in love when he was in college so he said to himself 'never again'.So he now teaches men who aren't able to talk and ask out the women of their dreams ,how to woo them!


He falls for a gossip columnist, Sara Melas, whose job is to report on whatever Allegra Cole does.

Alex isn't himself around Sara, as he keeps on making the mistakes he tells his clients not to, but Sara still falls for him.


Unluckily, a misunderstanding makes Sara write an expose on Hitch and probably destroy the romantic lives of the people he helped.


The movie was funny, I laughed the whole time.

The actors, all, did a great job.


What I didn't like, is that Sara is not so good at journalism, as she didn't check the source and the facts. She ruined Hitch's career and the lives of the people he helped based on what a single man (a jerk) said about him.

I don't think she deserved a second chance and I don't think he should have been the one chasing her, trying to win her back.


Also, Hitch was hurt in love ,so he now has only one night stands which I find odd, considering he's teaching men how to be with the one they love. It kinda feels like he treats the women he wants to be with for a one night stand like disposables. Until he meets Sara.


Rating : It's so money ! ,for the first part, Could have been, for the 2nd,when Sara destroys Hitch's life and his clients'.