How the Grinch stole Christmas

Year of release : 2000


Run time : 1h41min


Genre : Family / Comedy / Musical / Fantasy


Cast : Jim Carrey



The movie is based on Dr. Seuss' book, and is narrated wonderfully by Anthony Hopkins.


Inside a snowflake abides the magical land of Whoville. In Whoville live the Whos. All the Whos love Christmas. Outside Whoville, atop of Mount Crumpit , lives the Grinch, who hates Christmas.

Nobody knows why he hates Christmas, it could be because his heart is way too small.


A couple of teenagers dare each other to go to the Grinch's door, and this makes the Grinch come down into their town, to wreck a little havoc.


Cindy Lou meets the Grinch in the gifts department of her father's store (it might be the mail office),and because he saves her, she thinks he's not that bad. So she starts interviewing the Whos to find out his story.


The Whos tell the story of a child who had a crush on Martha May, and the way Martha May tells the story, his feelings might have been reciprocated.

Mayor May-Who liked Martha too, so he made life hard for the Grinch.

The stories reveal a Grinch who liked Christmas but due to the humiliation received on Christmas ended up hating it and becoming a loner.


Cindy Lou comes with a proposal for the Whos : to give the Grinch the Whoville Holiday Cheermeister Award, because he's the one who needs it most.


Cindy Lou goes to Mount Crumpit to invite the Grinch. He accepts when he hears about the award, and Martha May.


The Grinch is a sad lonely character,who seems to be disguising his pain and loneliness into not caring and hatred.


The actors are all great, the visual effects are good, and I love the world they created,the Whoville universe.

Rating : Worth a watch !