How to be a latin lover

Language : English / Spanish


Year of release : 2017


Run time : 1h55min


Genre : Comedy


Cast : Eugenio Derbez , Salma Hayek , Kristen Bell , Raquel Welch



The actor playing in this movie keeps on playing this role in movies and it fits him. He’s funny as hell. This time he is a man who decided he doesn’t want to work to be rich,he wants a woman with lots of money. At the young age of 21,I think,he finds his sugar mamma who’s 55, and 25 years later he’s still married to her.

He lives this lush life,and takes it and his wife for granted. He’s an "you know what" with her,he never buys her anything for their anniversaries,he manipulates her into buying him more things ,and in the end she finds someone younger. He complains and threatens to leave,so she tells him he’s free to do it.


Without a place to go or stay,he visits his sister whom he didn’t speak to since he probably left to become a kept man. He didn’t know her son’s name,didn’t know her husband died,etc..


In an attempt to get back into the world of riches,he trains his nephew into speaking to the girl he likes,who is the niece of a very rich woman. Problem is,he trains him to be an arseh*le.


The movie was funny,the acting top notch, but I felt the character didn’t learn anything and didn’t grow. He was still all about himself,just that he helped his sister and son,more like,he fixed the wrongs he created in an attempt to still be friends with her. At the end of the movie he was still in the place he started,a kept man,this time with a crazy woman,and the ex of his best friend!


The movie is streaming for free on IMDb TV, fuboTV, TNT, Google Play, iTunes, Vudu, Amazon Instant Video.


Rating : It's so money !