
Language : Russian


Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h53min


Genre : Drama



16 year old Misha suffers from sleepwalking,so his mother takes him to hypnotherapy.


The movie lost me from the third scene,in which we see the hypnotherapist hypnotizing people in a group session. When Misha walks in,he has 2 patients already under hypnosis. Misha walks in,and he tries to put him under by putting his hand on his head telling him to "sleep".That's it!


Right after, three teenage boys walk in,and he keeps them standing,asking them to close their eyes and imagine they are on the beach! He hypnotizes them,(well,it only works on one of them),while standing !


The hypnotherapist then tells Misha his hypnosis didn't work as he's not in the group of people prone to it! No sh!t Sherlock! If it's that easy to hypnotize people,just tell them to close their eyes and sleep,then anyone can do it!


I honestly was expecting to see the hypnotherapist,playing some repeating tune,like the tik - toking of the clock, some video caught in an endless loop,to the patient,while saying some trick lines,but nothing!

He hypnotizes everybody at the same time,in the same session,one after the other! You're telling me,while under,they can't hear the other conversations which are not related to them? Such professionalism!


Misha seems to hate his parents,but we never find out why. They seem to be nice,not sure how to talk to Misha. Misha calls them by their names instead of calling them mother and father.

Things get worse,as the hypnotherapist blames the father for his son's condition. I didn't see any signs of the father being bad,abusing Misha in any way.


Misha befriends a 22 year old girl who is afraid of dying,and likes her more than he should.

When he asks about her whereabouts,the hypnotherapist tells him the girl never existed, he created her for Misha. Although,we're told the hypnotherapy never worked on Misha. He keeps on trying to hypnotize him, but considering how he does it,just telling him to sleep,no wonder it doesn't work!


When Misha realizes the girl was actually real,the hypnotherapist tells him she k!lled herself,by throwing herself from the 20th floor of her building. Then why the lie? Imagine what he could have done to himself,thinking he was crazy!  Misha thinks he did it,under the spell of the hypnotherapist .


The movie has a few plot stories which don't go anywhere,like Misha hypnotizing his little brother,and him considering the hypnotherapist responsible for the girl's death.


The acting was good,but the whole hypnotherapy part was not researched and it was just ridiculous !


The hypnotic circle you see on the poster was never seen or used in the movie, I'm surprised they used it on the movie poster, considering it has nothing to do with it!


The movie is for rent or sale on Amazon Prime Video.


Rating : Could have been a contender ! for where it could have gone,The Horror ! ,for where it actually went!