
Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h28min


Genre : Thriller


Cast : Kate Siegel



The movie opens with a woman who seems scared out of her mind of something or someone. She talks on the phone to a detective. She leaves her office,and in the elevator she receives a call from an unknown number. The man voice from the other side tells her ' Andrea,this is how the world ends'.

She starts crying,as the elevator stops,and the walls are closing in on her,k!lling her.


Our leading lady,Jennifer, is getting out of her uber,as she is expected at her best friend's new house party. She is told her ex fiance is there,and she meets a hypnotist psychiatrist,her friend recommends to her,to help her with the loss of her baby.

During the party she drinks a lot and she seems very sad.


Meeting her friend the next day, she pushes doctor Meade on her again,and when she finally accepts,her friends tells her she already booked her an appointment for Friday.


Although hesitant,she goes to the meeting,and she even lets him hypnotize her from the first session.


Jennifer doesn't remember anything from the hypnotherapy sessions,but she has these dreams in which she is in bed with the doctor. So she starts to avoid him.


She crosses paths with the doctor ,at the mall,and they end up having drinks. He tells her she should call her ex fiance and have dinner with him that very night. Jennifer takes his advice.


While getting groceries,she receives a call from an unknown number, and loses track of time,'waking up' while at the table ,while her ex fiance is passed out in the bathroom. Her ex is allergic to sesame seeds.


Jennifer doesn't remember anything,and she doesn't understand what happened.

After another dream about the hypnotherapist,while putting things away in the kitchen, she finds the receipt of the items she bought when she lost time,and she sees sesame oil on the list. She starts remembering,and she recalls Meade's voice on the unknown number telling her to 'carry the fire',expression which put her in a trance state.


This leads her to research the good doctor. She realizes there were others like her who experienced missing time,who are now dead.


The movie was fast-paced,entertaining..


I liked the music,the way it was shot,the visual effects..it reminded me of Brian De Palma movies.


I thought the acting was great,especially from the lead, Kate Siegel.


The movie ponders on the dangers of letting someone poke into your head while you have no idea what they put in it,to help or destroy you. I don't understand people who give others power over them,which is exactly what the characters in this movie do.

I don't understand how could someone put memories in someone's head,though.


The movie is a Netflix original and is available on the platform.


Rating : Worth a watch !