
Year of release : 2001


Run time : 1h42min


Genre : Sci Fi


Cast : Gary Sinise, Madeleine Stowe, Vincent D'Onofrio



Based on the short story by Philip K.Dick,Impostor tells the story of Spencer Olham,a weapons expert,who, one morning is being taken by the police and accused of being an alien cyborg.


He manages to escape as they prepare to take his heart out -- the alien cyborgs have the bomb which would destroy anything for miles,hidden in the heart -- and in his attempt to get out of the facility they keep him in,shoots his best friend,not knowing he was behind the police officers who were shooting at him.

He was given psychotropic drugs which make him think he sees things which aren't there.


He is helped by a man who lives at the outskirts of the city,in a community which is not part of the new computerized age,in his quest to go back into the city,get into the hospital his wife works in,to get a body scan to prove himself and the police he is himself,not a cyborg.


The ending has a mind blowing twist,and the acting,especially from D'Onofrio who plays major Hathaway is amazing.


The acting was top notch,especially Vincent D'Onofrio,one of my favorites,and Gary Sinise who plays Olham. The visuals were sometimes good,other times you could tell they were fake.


The movie is for rent or sale on Amazon Prime Video, Apple iTunes, Google Play Movies, Microsoft Store, Vudu, YouTube .


Rating : It's so money!