
Year of release : 1981


Run time : 1h33min


Genre : Horror


Cast : John Cassavetes



The movie is based on the 1976 book by Ray Russell.


The movie opens with a young couple on a secluded beach. At night, the woman is assaulted by an unseen force,and the man k!lled. The young woman,by the name of Mandy, is brought to the hospital with a ruptured ut3rus. Mandy is treated by doctor Sam Cordell, who's a surgeon and physician,in the small town of Galen.


Sam has a teenage daughter who is dating Tim.

Tim has dreams in which he sees women being attacked by an unseen force,thinking it's him. His grandmother tells him he is mistaken.


A librarian is attacked,and k!lled ,and the doctor finds out she had the exact same injuries as Mandy,with one difference. In Mandy's case there was nothing left behind, in the librarian's case it was a lot,which suggested a gang of r@pists.


A nosy reporter befriends Sam, and she finds out she looks exactly like his dead girlfriend (this is important at the end).


The attacks increase, as in one day, the r@pist attacks two girls at a farm,k!lling their father. The police think it's Tim;even Tim thinks it's him.


The movie subverts our expectations,and ends on a limb. The movie also has what we call in literature, equilibrium and symmetry, as it opens and ends with an eye.


The movie was better than I expected. It was edited weird though. There was an unnecessary nude scene of the daughter who is showering with the door to her room opened,and her father sees her while climbing the staircase! I thought he was her husband!That was so weird! What kid,girl,daughter,showers with the door opened,when she lives with her father?! I know I never did that!


The actors,some were good,some bad, the bad ones had these blank stares,to the point they looked like robots!

There's a scene at a concert,I think, and the band performing is awful at acting, the singer has dead eyes,he's so lifeless!


The soundtrack was Ok,the songs played were actually good.


The visual effects were good.


I don't know if they,or the writer, got it wrong with the incubus, but the incubus cannot transform from male to female, as an incubus can only be male!The female version of an incubus, is a succubus! And what they do is, they sit on people's chest at night, when they're dreaming,inducing them er0tic dreams, feeding off their energy. When people wake up,they are tired and sick. The incubus is a winged creature.


You can watch the full movie here ,for free:


Rating : Could have been a contender !