
Release date : 2019 - 2020 ? ,IMDB says the movie was released in 2019,Google says 2020,hence the question mark


Run time : 1h47min


Genre : Thriller / Action


Cast : Jim Caviezel



A Christian preacher is asked to travel to Egypt,Cairo,for a show. Despite his wife's pleads to stay home,he leaves.

Unable to shut up about his ideas,he finds himself say that Jesus is God to an islamic country. It felt like he went there to convert them.

So pretty soon he's being kidnapped and held in a house.

Pretty soon we discover that the people holding him imprisoned are much more than he thinks them to be,working for the Iranian government,who think that he went to Cairo to spy on them.


He also had a muslim friend who's daughter disappears,and who right after turns against him(being responsible for everything happening to him),thinking him responsible for the police coming to his house.


At minute 1:29-30,they speak about prisoners having the crown virus,but this movie was released in 2019-2020,which means it was filmed the year before,or even earlier than that!So,wtf?!


The acting was good. The movie didn't have a dull moment.


The movie is streaming on Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV on your Roku device, Freebie TV, Redbox, Tubi, Vudu Movie & TV Store.


Rating : Worth a watch !