
Language : Russian


Year of release : 2020


Run time : 2h:13min


Genre : Sci-Fi



This movie is a sequel to the 2017 movie Attraction,and was better than the first one.


It’s been 2years and a few months since the alien ship crash landed on earth and Yulia is in college now.

She has 24/7 hour guards to make sure nothing happens to her,or maybe is due to something else.


The government does experiments on her,as they want to harness and use her powers.

Her ex boyfriend is still alive,although damaged due to using the alien technology, and is used to trigger emotions in Yulia, see what she’s capable of.

I can’t believe her father agreed to this.


She finds out her alien boyfriend is alive and he takes her to his house. As he says,he has a house ,a job and a vegetables garden. The guy is still funny.


The AI controlling the space ship decides that Yulia is a danger due to the government harnessing her new found,alien powers,as they put it,she’s one of the aliens now,not the humans,and needs to be killed. So it starts this war against her,sending messages and calling everyone pretending to be their loved 

ones,telling them they’ve been in a terrorist attack,and Yulia is the terrorist. The news is taken over by this alien technology which is hunting Yulia down to kill her. It was awesome!


The action scenes are amazing. The acting seems to be good. I watched a dubbed version,and I really wished I found a subbed one,because I think the actor who played the ex boyfriend, Aleksandr Petrov, gave a great performance.


The visual effects are amazing. There’s this water scene,is just.. at the Matrix level.

The soundtrack was great.


The only thing I didn’t like was the fact that in the water certain characters seem to die,the water holds for quite some time,but when the water disappears,they are fine,which I find unlikely. I think that their demise would have been more meaningful for the development of the plot.


Rating : It's so money !