Jacob's ladder

Year of release : 2019


Run time : 1h30min


Genre : Thriller / Psychological Horror


Cast : Michael Ealy



The movie is a remake of sorts of the 1990 movie,Jacob's Ladder with Tim Robbins. And it's awful,if you want to watch Jacob's Ladder,choose the original. The original had great acting from Tim Robbins' part,you can see the emotions on his face,his face expressions alone made me cry. With this one,there's no emotional connection,the movie has no heart and soul.


The movie tells the story,the way he sees it,of a war veteran,a doctor,who,coming back home,is told his brother whom he believes dead,is alive and lives in the underground of the subway. He finds him and brings him home. Their relationship is strained ,as he is married to his brother's ex girlfriend,and has a son. Or is he?


The soundtrack was fine,just that the movie ends with a rap song of sorts,WTF?!

Also,one of the first scenes of the movie starts with Michael Ealy doing a Budweiser commercial..


I honestly didn't care about the characters and what happened throughout the movie.

The only actors who to me felt like they gave a great performance were Jesse Williams,who plays the brother, Guy Burnet who plays the doctor, Karla Souza who plays the drug addict girlfriend, and Joseph Sikora who played Paul.

It pains me to say it,as Michael Ealy is one of my favorites,and I watched many of his movies,but I didn't like him in this one. I don't know what kind of directions the actors received from the director,but it was bad.


Jacob's Ladder is streaming on Amazon Prime Video and Hulu.


Rating : Coulda been a contender ! ,and I'm only giving it this rating,because it could have been a great movie,just like the original,it's merits are along the The Horror, The Horror ratings.