
Language : Korean


Year of release : 2023


Run time : 1h40min


Genre : Thriller / Sci Fi



In the future,the sea levels rise, and humans move to space,building shelters between the moon and earth where for decades they move people. Certain shelters declare themselves the Adrian Republic and attack earth and the other shelters,leading to decades of war. The people on earth make munition as all they live for is war.


In this context,Jung E fights for her people against the Adrian Republic. She is a hero for her people,who died in battle,and now,as her mother sold her body to science, the scientific team keeps on mapping her brain,making robot clones of her,trying to create the perfect soldier.


The movie starts with an action scene,in which Jung E shows us her skills in the battle with robots. As she is shot and she discovers shocked that she is a robot, we find out it's a simulation for an ammunition/robot company who is trying to create the perfect soldier.


Her daughter is a scientist working there,who is wondering if her mother resented her for having to fight in order to pay for her medical bills,as she had cancer as a kid.


The daughter works under a very impulsive and ridiculous character who is all over the place, telling jokes which are not funny, always looking like he's about to lose it.

On the day the movie starts they have a big presentation for the elders who decide everything,who are not fans of the hero Jung E,as to them she behaved poorly on the battlefield when she was killed(eye roll) .


This is a world in which ,every few months, they have to take an ethics test, to map the brain,and discover if the person is a real person or a robot, as now, before dying, people have the option of choosing one of the 3 methods of staying alive through technology.


We find out the daughter's cancer is back,and she has 3 months left to live. She if offered a deal to copy her brain and be transferred to a robot. But she can only afford Type C,which is what her mother got, meaning she gets to be the property of the manufacturer and they can do with her as they please,as if an animal or an object (SPOILER as we find out later on, they decide to turn her mother, a national hero, into a s3x bot).


The way the national hero is treated is disgusting, just like in Source Code, she is not allowed to rest,but be forever a fighter, forever at war. To me this is hell. Is living a nightmare,unable to wake up. Not to mention, they torture her daily, giving her incredible amounts of pain (they can increase or decrease her pain levels;they also shoot her and cut off her arm) to see how can they improve her performance. Assuming they think the person is alive because they copied their mind, they still treat her like an object without feelings,although to them is proven she is suffering, as they talk about increasing her pain levels to see what makes her tick.


I do not understand people's obsession with cloning, because they still die,it's just a copy of themselves which lives on, they still experience death and whatever comes after. And I was surprised the daughter didn't mind seeing her mother suffer daily at the whims of the scientists, who are no different than the torturers of the old.


I personally liked the movie, it had a good plot,interesting characters, it had the heart through the mother-daughter bond(which made me cry) and great action scenes.

Jung E reminded me of Ripley from Alien.

There's also a scene in the meta verse which reminds me of Assassin's Creed,with the character being held by the machines while fighting,but done better.


The actors were great.

The visual effects were really good.

I liked the soundtrack.


The movie is a Netflix production and streams on the platform.


Rating : Worth a watch !