Kill Bill vol.2

Year of release : 2004


Run time : 2h11min


Genre : Action


Cast : Uma Thurman, Michael Madsen, David Carradine, Daryl Hannah



The movie starts with The Bride, narrating what happened to her while driving towards her last target,Bill,in black and white.


Then the story moves to what happened on her wedding day,which was actually a rehearsal. Bill finds her,and after promising to behave,his team of assassins arrive,killing everyone. Samuel L.Jackson makes a cameo appearance. Everything is shot in black and white again.


In the next chapter,as the movie is not put in chronological order, The Bride, targets Bill's brother, Budd. Budd seems smarter than the rest,as he's the only one who almost gets her, shooting her with salt bullets,stunning her,and burying her in another woman's grave.


Then the movie takes us back,to how The Bride, Beatrix Kiddo, got her skills, training with master Pai Mei. Remembering his teachings,she manages to escape the coffin,and goes back to Budd,who gets outsmarted by Elle Driver .


The movie is filmed in certain chapters in black and white,and unlike the first one,which was action packed, is more laid back,thing which kinda bored me.


The actors were all good, and I can see why Uma Thurman and David Carradine were nominated for a Golden Globe with this movie,because they were great.


The soundtrack was good,at times it was great!


Rating : Worth a watch!