Knock at the cabin

Year of release : 2023


Run time : 1h40min


Genre : Mystery / Thriller / Horror


Cast : Dave Bautista, Rupert Grint


Director : M.Night Shyamalan



The movie is based on the 2018 novel 'The cabin at the end of the world' by Paul G.Tremblay.


Little Wen is collecting grasshoppers by the cabin she stays in with her parents.

A man approaches her and they talk for a while .After they befriend,the man reveals his intentions,and Wen runs into the house getting her parents inside,locking the doors.


Hearing the strangers knocking, and being told by Wen the strangers have weapons,her daddies lock the doors. Seeing them through the windows carrying large weapons, they check all the doors and windows to make sure they can't come in,but they break down the windows and doors, and come in.


After presenting themselves, the strangers tell them the most unbelieving story,about the end of the world being set in motion, their sacrifice being the only thing able to stop it and save the world,and it can't be a suicide,one of them must kill the other.


The two men do not believe them and the strangers start killing themselves one by one,unleashing a pleague or disaster event shown on tv.


At first the men do not believe anything,but one of them starts wondering about it all.


I really liked the movie, it gripped me,and I really enjoyed the story.

I liked the way the movie was directed.


The actors were all great,they had to act scared,sad,to cry,and you could just see all the emotions on their face.


The movie is streaming on Amazon, AMC on Demand, Apple, DirecTv, Google, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : It's so money!