La femme Nikita

Language : French


Year of release : 1990


Run time : 1h57min


Genre : Action / Thriller


Directed by Luc Besson



One night a group of drug addicts rob or try to rob a pharmacy. The police come just as the owner finds out he’s robbed by his son and his friends. The drug addicts kill almost all cops. A teenage girl was the only one not shooting, and hiding. As one of the only cops left standing discovers her she shoots him in the head. She is taken into custody and finds herself in a facility where she is told she either goes along with the programme or gets killed.


She is trained as an assassin. Her first job is on her 23th birthday,as she thinks she’s out on a birthday date. She soon discovers her superior likes to pretend her assignments are something other than they are,as as she is engaged to be married,he offers them a trip to Venice. There,she has to shoot a target.


To be honest,it bored me.I didn’t like the soundtrack.


This movie tried to achieve what Anna is . I just felt it didn’t go anywhere,it ended on a limb,her leaving her fiance to escape the company. Instead of hiding him,she left him in the apartment her company knew he was living in with her,and she was the one leaving. She even left her fiance a note for her boss. Just bad plot.


I hear this movie is praised by many,to me it's just much ado about nothing!


Rating : Could have been a contender !