Lady and the tramp

Year of release : 1955


Run time : 1h15min


Genre : Animation / Musical



The Disney animation is based on the book with the same title by Ward Greene( on Wikipedia it says the title of the book is "Happy Dan, the Cynical Dog" ).


Lady was brought into the home of Darling and Jim Dear,when she was just a puppy,by Jim Dear who gifted her to his Darling.


They try to train her to sleep alone in the kitchen,but Lady is not having it,and 6 months later,she still sleeps on the bed,next to them.

Darling and Jim Dear get her a collar and a license,and Lady is very proud of it.


Butch is a stray dog who lives on the street, being fed by the people who work at the restaurants in the area he resides in.


Jim Dear and Darling start acting weird,and don't play with Lady anymore,not showing her as much affection. Lady starts worrying is something she did, until she's told by her dog friends,they are expecting a child.


Butch meets Lady and her friends, telling her scary stories about humans getting rid of their animals once they have their baby.


The baby is born,and after,the two leave on vacation. They leave the baby and Lady with aunt Sarah. Aunt Sarah has two Siamese cats who wreck havoc,and is obvious she hates dogs due to how she treats Lady.

She goes as far as tying her up in the garden, and putting a muzzle on her.

Scared,Lady flees,and is chased by a pack of dogs. Butch sees her and comes to her rescue. He takes her to the Zoo,to help her get rid of the collar,and then takes her out for dinner.


The animation could be considered a Christmas movie,as it opens and ends with Christmas.


The animation was made using the old Disney 'storybook realism' art style, a naturalistic and realistic style inspired by the aesthetic of the classic European illustrations in storybooks.


The animation is most definitely aimed at children, as as a grownup I didn't find it that entertaining(although it had a lot of action),but I admired the craft when it comes to the hand drawing technique and the acting.


The soundtrack was reminiscing of that era. Luckily,although a musical,it didn't have that many songs,and were short.


The voice actors were great.


Rating : Worth a watch !